Tuesday 14 February 2017

Other miners buried by rubble

Approximately one month since the 15 miners and rubble Nyarugusu wafukiwe Geita district, another such disaster occurred Butiama in Mara district.

In the event of Butiama, 11 people have been rescued pit digging for gold and now they have admitted Butiama District Hospital for treatment.

The tragedy occurred in Buhemba Mine and General Butiama District, Annarose Nyamubi said rescue work continues for the search for other people who have not seen their relatives and they felt they were in that hole.

He said erosion is causing the collapse of the long holes despite the presence of strong sunlight.

Moreover Nyamubi said the holes left by colonialism are under StanCom investor who has been digging gold in the area. Following the event, officials who came to witness the rescue, including the Mara Regional Commissioner, Dr. Charles Mlingwa.