Friday 24 February 2017

Fox yawaomba pleased Kenyans using video of a terrorist attack on the Westgate Mall series of 24 Legacy

I asked Fox Network Kenyans after firing pleased video facts of a terrorist attack on Westgate Mall and put it on his new series, 24 Legacy.

The center's spokesman, Chris Alexander said the organizers of the show that they regret using this incident to enact a tragedy. Organisers of the show have claimed that the video will be removed.

"In episode 4 of 24: Legacy we regretfully included news footage of an attack in Nairobi. It will be removed from all future broadcasts and versions of the show. We Apologise for any pain caused to the Victims and Their Families and are deeply sorry, "said information from the organizers chief, Evan Katz and Manny Coto.

Kenyans were strongly offended by the practice of using video of the attack three years ago that caused deaths and great surprises. If ordinary Kenyans, were used to attack Fox Twittter the hashtag, #SomeoneTellFox condemn this act.

On the episode, written attack occurred Alexandria, Egypt, where 200 people were killed. At Westgate Mall attack September 21, 2013, 67 people were killed and 175 others injured.