Sunday 12 February 2017

Home Visits Makonda TID him, Come Yes Aliyomueleza.

Earlier yesterday musician Khalid Mohamed known as "Top In Dar" (TID), who was among the first people called police to negotiating his suspicions about the dealings and drugs, came home to the Regional Commissioner of Dar es salaam, Paul Makonda to greet and chat for common

For as long as they both were with seemed to enjoy their conversation, sitting as friends. Regional Commissioner was spent advising TID talks about life in general and the importance of trusting God in everything he does

For his part TID he spent the time to tell Paul Makonda about ordinary life and the music, in addition, two talks that touched on how they can save local talent

In addition, the TID has been quoted as saying "Music without drugs is possible ... This is the turning Point me to a generation of music this new generation, as the hon. Makonda today we discussed how to save the talent and art in general, God bless bongo Fleva, God bless Tanzania ".

And Makonda via his Instagram page he wrote: "Our God never sleeps and always loves amtafutae, almost back home TID"