Friday 24 February 2017

Opposed UDSM Enrolled students vilaza

One day after the Tanzania Commission for Universities (TCU) announce the complexity of the admission of students to universities, major stakeholders of education, have come out against such a step. These stakeholders include the University of Dar es Salaam (UDSM)
and the Council of Colleges of Technical Tanzania (NACTE).

Information of the University of Dar es Salaam (UDSM) in turn had stated that no one student admitted to the college, who is not qualified to join the college.

Deputy Vice-Chancellor of the University, Professor Florens Luoga told the newspaper on Thursday barileo campus have set a procedure that can any student who is admitted to college there, have qualified for not doing business.

Luoga said, "We here are wild about it, we revealed the existence of a student who does not have the qualities we drove. TCU Hatusubiri speak out, even if we determine that someone has committed fraud and had finished college, but did not qualify, we take away degrees were granted. "

She added, "This is a college, we do business, we have our work here is to prepare professionals and that is why we are being harsh and attention to ensure students we took, they all have the relevant qualifications."

Moreover Luoga campus said the old woman, Tanzania, due to the existence of the agreement has been receives some students who come from abroad and he stressed that those who are possibly TCU failed to find their documents.