Tuesday 14 February 2017

Diamond Platnumz proves to be underway to bring him back to Q-Chief Fredrick ramani

Diamond Platnumz has confirmed that he has organized to bring back Q-Chief on the map of the music after his leadership of QS Mhonda failure to do so despite the claim to use more than 200 million shillings without gain.

For a while, there were rumors that Diamond has a plan to sign veteran artist on the label of the WCB. And now, although he said that he planned kumsanisha on the label, Diamond has admitted that the plans to work with the legend.

"You know my goal if I or we the youth of right now we are trying to see we can work collaboratively, so we're conversation and bro we look at how can we do the work because it is the person who first I namfeel then who namuamini," Diamond told Dizzim Online.

"He is someone who I know absolutely that is used to click this button then this entire town has been repelled. So I can not talk to a lot of prayers we say Tanzanians to pray chokiplan done well, "added the star.

And Q-Chief said, "I feel I project next Simba is involved because it is the person who called me for advice as to QS, has told many things basis, he witness here, but as a man who understands his younger brother called me said why until I got it and he did maybe [QS] is not ready to do business BUT Diamond is a business man and I am ready to join a business man so long as there are grounds. But I believe the next dance Diamond has given me his blessing. "

Recently the singer, whose full name is Abubakar Katwila has been in a war of words with the QS inayomsimamia Mhonda he yoishutumu for failing to bring anywhere despite huge investments ilioufanya him.

His brothers were also questioned about the agreement osainishwa their child's life at the company and that from him under the company have not seen a change of meaning in his life.