Sunday 14 May 2017

Former President Mkapa speaks About Freedom of Information Government Kubana

Former President of the third phase, Elder Benjamin Mkapa has criticized the media in Africa, and particularly southern sub Sahari for what he said were most concentrated in reporting political news and events whose creased why or kawa who, instead of reporting the news of the economy of help citizens.

Mzee Mkapa made the remarks when he was mahijiano and by BBC Swahili's Deutsche Welle (DW) in Germany, where he said at the press of Africa there is a serious shortage of information to the developed economies surveyed in-depth.

"One big problem is the media of African countries especially in sub-Saharan Africa is that much information priority is political and related to the who's who and why this occurred."

"There is a serious shortage of economic news and developments surveyed depth and inciting development. There is very little information of the progressive advocacy and organizing themselves to move forward. "

Subsequently, Mzee Mkapa said that freedom of the press allegedly been cornered, entails the media which have no contribution to the development of our economy rather than to discuss the results of the analysis.
"Therefore, the freedom of the press that says you suffer entails a group of media that do not have any input in the analysis of economic development nor the defense of seeking to align development. Us poor nation that needs to continue. I think it's the right decision. "Said Mzee Mkapa.

This statement of Mzee Mkapa came after being asked about the government's claims that the fifth installment under President Dr. John Beer Magufuli contracting freedom of the press situation which did not exist in the past.