Monday 3 April 2017

Familiarize REASONS itching after bathing

 "Health professionals skin also noted that the shower long and frequent, use soaps containing strong odors and foam profusely are other contributing factors occur with allergies with the dryness of the skin due to its ability to remove large amounts of fat they protect against skin .

To relieve the itching, "Use soap containing oil, but not be as intense perfume."

Under normal circumstances the act of bathing should be taken as a matter of joy from the fact that makes the body uburudike and clean. But for some people it's different. Bathing is similar distaste.

One of the health problems that preoccupy the world and deprive many pleasures of life, is the problem of itching after bathing. Irritation after bathing can arise entire body or may involve some component.

This situation could be happening for a few minutes or it could take a long time and for some people, this may be a chronic problem. Although this health problem is like the other, but some people lack accurate information, relate myths.

The fact of the matter is that there are many reasons for this problem to occur inciting and some can have serious side effects such as to endanger life.

With a scientific fact that 70 percent of the human body is water, on the other hand can be a source of health problems, especially when perched and buzzy items or stimulate the body occur in allergic conditions. It is not surprising to see that the water that is safe to drink may be unsafe for bathing.

Among the possible reasons for the irritation of the body after bathing is environmental and other factors related to the problem of genetic inheritance of genes in the immune system of the person.

Sometimes this problem may be showing some important signs of infectious and non-communicable diseases such as kidney problems, liver, neck glands, blood system disorders, diabetes, cancer and depression groin.

Some studies reveal that other factors include pollution of air with toxic chemicals found in tobacco smoke, plastic bags, medicine sanitation facilities at home, pesticides, dust indoors carry pathogens together and air pollution from vehicle emissions and that produced by factories in urban areas.

These things make the body vulnerable and create an environment within which promotes happen to the body when you get mechanical excitement, a condition that is known as allergic.

Allergic begins when the immune system specifying these chemicals as an invader to the body and ordered its soldiers, known as cells T-lymphocites and B-lymphocytes responded to the invaders to produce specific chemical known as immunoglobulin E and prostaglandins, which leads generated by other chemicals such as histamine, tryptase and chymase, aiming to break the power of invasive chemicals.
Some researchers noted that due to an error of modified genetic material there is an increase in the chemical form of Cyclic Adenosine Monophosphate phosphodiesterase that destroys the system of control of immune cells the body type of basophils and cell mast causing zisisimuke excessively and produce histamine most that contributes significantly to happen to allergies.

Many people have allergies to various substances including prescription drugs, chemicals used to make soap, cosmetics, certain types of foods, a number of chemicals used in food processing, chemicals are kept in water such as chlorine (watergurd), water to bathe with many salt and chemicals used in the manufacture of clothing, including bathing towels.

The struggle between the immune and what the body mistakenly identifies as invaders, can cause diseases of asthma, skin irritation, eye irritation, runny frequent abdominal pain.

These campaigns can also cause allergic conditions from foods such as eggs, milk, fish, meat, nuts, food related morbidity and wheat flour, coffee, alcohol and certain foods and drinks are made or manufactured using chemical recycling. This can also occur from eating foods that contain a mixture of spices like pilau and many.
Intake of dietary deficiency of nutrients and you mentioned that contributes to the problem of itching during bathing.

Most people do not consume adequate amounts of fruits, vegetables and oil safe from plants or fish, which adversely affects the health of the skin.

Another problem contributing to light when bathed body is kutokutuhundred sufficient amount of water to drink every day. Such a situation makes the body have a shortage of water and adversely affect the health of the skin and its ability to eliminate toxins mwilini.Ngozi healthy profit fails to take care of a sufficient amount of moisture and cause dryness. Dry skin is excessively excited while bathing and cause irritation. Because of itching after bathing is to live in a state of stress caused by fear, anxiety and other fascinating sonona.Tatizo body and cause irritation when the shower is kujisugua excessively or when kujifuta kujisugua with towels after a shower. Usually dead skin cells, sweat and dust that causes the body kuchafuka.Lakini contaminants leave the body we pooga and energy is needed to remove debris and waste body on the skin. The use of excessive force and rub the skin too much, it causes harm to the skin and cause irritation or dryness of the skin to remove oil that sustains the safety of ngozi.Watu with this problem can do light training before the shower in order to keep body heat or wiping lotion to make the skin become moist and relieve the dryness of ngozi.Create your own banner at!