Monday 3 April 2017



The body can be poisoned or unwanted waste from the body in two ways, either via the environment we live (factories, mines etc.) or through foods and drinks that we consume every day. Toxins or waste also can enter the body through various medications we use mainly white kujitibia various

The body produces these toxins or waste (free radicals) often When you become digestion of food in your body.

Sign zitakazokuonyesha your body has more toxins:

-Uchovu resistant
-Maumivu the joints
-Msongamano nose
-Kuumwa head every time
-Tumbo filled gas
Toilet-install the toilet or get a solid
-Kukosa stability
-Matatizo range of skin, including acne
-Pumzi bad
-Mzunguko menstrual unequal
-Kuishiwa power
-Kushindwa weight loss
-Kupenda eat eating regularly

16 ways to remove various toxins body

1. Make your diet one day be the only fruit
Determine your meal one day be the only fruit would have no more food. You can decide either breakfast or dinner that is the only fruit, is on your plate is filled only fruit and the various plates that may be filled only if your meal is done, you can drink fruit juice or water alone.

2. Eating natural foods than industrial
If you want to avoid toxic or other rubbish simply enter in your body then you prefer to eat more natural foods cooked at home than eating canned or store equipment or supplies to restaurants (fast foods).

3. Make Saji
Unfortunately, many Tanzanians do not know that the registration is part of the treatment or medicine for other diseases too much flesh. Most are regarded as an object of enjoyment Saji only (relaxation) but you can use the registration as a way of removing toxins from the body and succeeded in a very short time.

4. Drink plenty of water each day
The main reason most people want to make a poison or their body is not to drink plenty of water every day. Water is life, not to drink plenty of water every day is the same as going to the grocery store without pocket money. No matter what circumstances exist if it is cold or warm it must drink enough water that leads to GOD EVERYDAY.

You need water 8 to 10 glasses daily. Many people are struggling to remove toxic cleaning their bodies without knowing that the only drinking water is enough for the job. Remember, 94 percent of your blood is water, 85 percent of your brain is water, so to purify the blood and the body as a whole must drink enough water every day.

5. Leave the black tea and coffee
As already proved to have toxic or strongly implanted refuse to stop drinking black tea and coffee. Instead emigrated to use tea with cinnamon or ginger or lemongrass. Tea and coffee colors which have kaffeina first drives the water out of the body quickly and the body would not have enough water for its operations. Kaffeina drug is also a group of medicines breathtaking sceneries body (stimulants drugs).

6. Practice links
It is amazing how many Tanzanians do not see the importance of doing physical exercise. Physical activity is vital as food. Whether you're sick or not sick, whether you have or have weight exceeds normal weight make sure you find time to exercise.

They help you exercise make you feel good and it can remove stress or stress more easily, the practice is compatible with pharmaceutical Adequate to remove toxins from the body more quickly. Ensure linakutoka sweat enough and whether it is always not you go on Saturday and Sunday (weekend) only, it is not enough, exercise was 4 to 5 times a week.

7. Eat more foods rich in fiber (lined)
You have heard many times that you need to eat more foods containing fiber for having good health, digestive health and even help with weight reduction. What was that you do not know probably until now is that these foods contain fiber is too good to purify the body and eliminate toxins or various trash.

Foods that contain much fiber include avocado, banana, peazi, carrots, bell peppers, rice brown (that advised people with diabetes to access the), black beans, njegele, dates, sweet potato, apple (apple), oranges, porridge dona also bread flour which is ujakobolewa.

8. Close eating
Yes, if you do not know how it was another easy to remove or reduce toxins from the body is quite fasting all day. You could end up eating the body is forced to use them as its contents without dealing crush them new ones you eat. When there is no activity to crush them with a new body to digest food when the body can remove toxins and other waste more easily.

Decide fasting completely for 2 to 3 times a week in order to eliminate or reduce toxicity, this may also be a way of holdia prayer to keep himself and the creator wako.9. Get enough sleep everyday One of the things can be toxic resulted not digested or refuse it with kutokulala enough time each day. Sleep is ukopwi and you can not be effective in your job if you do not get enough sleep daily .Usingizi not only comfortable thing, is a very important part in your daily health. Without getting enough sleep can be close and problems like weight gain, decline in immunity and strength of the body can be kushuka.Unapopata long enough to sleep 7 hours to 8 days you give your body ample opportunity to relax and kujiripea renewal and thus they can be toxic and other waste come off easily. Login to bed early at least three hours a night went to bed not you sit you look at fictional or ball until midnight! 10. Avoid vulnerable to environmental sumuKuna obviously known sources of toxins from the body. Areas of mines, highly industrialized areas, shops agrochemicals these nkMaeneo should stay away from human settlements for health security zetu.11. Use mtindiMoja ​​other ways to eliminate toxins and other waste is to use foods that contain good bacteria (probiotics). Yogurt is the only food these bacteria is known to be good for your stomach. Make yogurt cup every day and will remain with the body clean all the time. Using yogurt at home is better even though the store to grant access to you mainly use one that not added anything else into it (flavors and additives) .12. Avoid foods vilivyokobolewaIli be completely clean body avoid eating white bread, sugar and foods cooked mid-oiled as well as treats, cakes and all other oil vinavyochomwa center mengi.Mkate're black bread (brown bread), sugar available raw honey, food cooked mid-oiled you can decide that you are baking (bake) or uvichemshe (BOILING). Elections are wako.13. Remove stress (stress) What you already know is that depression or stress is bad for your health. What you should know from now is that in order to remain quite healthy with TBS then stay away from stress. If you let stress rule your life then find out your body can not do its work well, including removing waste or toxic range mwilini.Stress alone can lead to various diseases digested over 50. When you are stressed your body can not deliver waste out easily and your breathing body depreciates its results as close to other diseases mengi.Watu others with little understanding with the stress they resort to substances they think will be reduced and yet is stepping up the problem without knowing it. Two things eliminate the stress without having to spend way is bad for your health fitness and sex. The other day you feel you are extremely upset Only do exercises go a dead man looking for someone to share possible future action ndoa.14. Use natural medicine rather than those of many hospitals tend kizunguDawa have positive results (positive) and negative results (negative) which is also negative consequences. If you must use antibiotic often or table prescription pain relievers often can be added toxins and waste body without knowing and without any reason lazima.Kuepuka temptation to use herbal or natural herbs for certain diseases that do not necessarily go to the hospital. It's not just one flu injections gone! 15. Let vileviMoja ​​things that can make or toxic waste is directly implanted substances. Substances like alcohol, drugs, cigarettes, marijuana and others are items vinavyopelekea body having one moja.Namna want only to remove toxic substances is due to leave the so substances, is leaving them behind. Do not expect the morning to use drugs to remove toxins from the body and then the evening and drink alcohol or a smoking judged by only the medication use morning that will work, no you deceive, the remedy is to stop substances directly moja.Vingine omission as already discovered have formed many body includes soft drinks all, all the juice shop, tea color and kahawa.16. Use the following to remove toxins zaidiVifuatavyo eliminate the toxins more easily digested; garlic, powdered moringa leaves and its seeds and pumpkin seeds or powder wake.Create your own banner at!