Friday 28 April 2017


Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs of State, Hamad Kisauni said senior leaders of the party of citizens (CUF) that were involved in the event of a bomb in the house of the Commissioner of Police Zanzibar done after elections

Hon. Kisauni told Parliament in Dodoma yesterday that while he was responding to a supplementary question from MP Gandu through tickets (CUF) Pemba Islands, Hon. Othuman Omary Hajji wanted to know why until today it jizachukuliwa appropriate measures to CCM who had burned the homes of members of the CUF in the Isles Tumbatu, claiming the current regime is not legitimate is illegal because the police contributed to keep him in power Dkt. Ali Mohamed Shein.

"It was really after the elections some opposition parties, including its leaders came forward to encourage people to do things that violates the laws of our country.

"There are different scenarios reflected including burning houses, burning fields, threw grenades, including the house of the Commissioner of Police of Zanzibar which examination held until now, people were arrested for involvement airing a bomb in the house of the Commissioner is the senior leaders of the Association of Citizens ( CUF) ". He said Kisauni

Notwithstanding Kisauni Police said limeshakamilisha its investigation and filing of charges exists for DPP any time from now litapandishwa law court to be taken.