Monday 30 January 2017

Obama can earn up to 99 billion shillings to write a new book yake

Barack Obama's resting now after kuitumikiaa US for eight years as President. But, that does not mean it is out of cash flow. And again, he may begin to incorporate many more, thanks to lucrative contracts inayomuwinda from publishers of books.

He and his wife, Michelle, is a decision they only accept agreements on the books, worth from $ 20 million up to 45. These funds, along with other applications, will allow him kugharamikia bills private jet, because he has never claimed to be not wanting to travel by plane usually he retired.

According to the New York Times, agents affairs books claim that Obama has a chance to write a book with the highest value ever recorded by any President.

Some argue that Obama can earn more than $ 12 million, and his wife more than $ 10 million.

Obama has authored three books, "Dreams From My Father," "The Audacity of Hope" and "Of Thee I Sing" vimeuza that more than 4 million copies worldwide with inserted more than $ 10 million.