Monday 3 April 2017

Sira will answer DEN Lissu

 Former minister in the Fourth Phase Government, Stephen Wasira descends Singida East MP Tundu Lissu to four points.

One of the things that Wasira said is that the member of Chadema has no respect for the great leaders of the country.

Wasira said that after Lissu claim that survived being hit by the CCM cadre during a parliamentary session in Dodoma, the information that was published yesterday by the Citizen.

Responding to these allegations, Wasira (pictured) said Lissu speaks as he is not equal because all he has said is a lie, does not know and does not know where to have occurred because of him.

Wasira said no sane person who can insult the President of the First Phase, Mwalimu Julius Nyerere, but he was surprised Lissu pothubutu do so during the Special Assembly of the Constitution.

He said Lissu also accused of lies Mwalimu Nyerere to claim he forged the signature of the founder of the Revolutionary Government of Zanzibar, Amani Abeid Karume made in the Union. "Even his fellow opponents were surprised," said Wasira.

"The man has dared insult presidents of the past, kamtukana (Benjamin) Mkapa, kamtukana (Jakaya) Kikwete who was invited to the White House while he huddled drink juice, now reviles President (John) Magufuli. I'm not a spokesman for Magufuli, but this Lissu has been abuses, "he said while stressing that Wasira Lissu does not respect and values.

Wasira said due to practical difficulties it seems Lissu has to be a complete person can not make such sights.

Also, was surprised Lissu frontline sanitize with a good description Former Prime Minister, Edward Lowassa, when he was first accused him of calling him corrupt deputy was CCM, saying it is the reality of someone who has always been not saying the truth.

"I wonder today he has been at the forefront with a steel brush to wash after Lowassa join them," he says, noting that these are the signs of someone who does not speak the truth.

He said Lissu completely sanitize Lowassa shows that there is a problem of perfection for the attorney general of Chadema.

"The last aspect Lissu no values ​​... as I will argue testified ..." claimed Wasira who has been minister of state in four phases.

Although yesterday, Lissu was not available, but he pozunguma and Citizen last week said he does not hesitate to speak the truth.
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