Sunday 12 March 2017

Gwajima continue to pursue lean, AYATAJA anguish that led him STATUTORY OFFENCES AND PENALTIES ANAZOSTAHILI Run Away LAND ACCESS

Bishop of the Church of the Resurrection and the Life, Josephat Gwajima has cited legal errors anguish that led him Head of Dar es Salaam, Paul Makonda refuge in South Africa.

Speaking today in his church, Ubungo, in here, Gwajima claimed a first offense of Makonda forged certificate that shows he is Paul Makonda when he knew he was David Bashite.

"This error according to Gwajima is another saba.Kosa years imprisonment is the oath of supremacy and the supremacy of the district governor, saying he is Makonda while knowing he is Bashite," he said

Gwajima said the fault of the oath and fake certificate is three years imprisonment.

Another mistake is said to receive salary and allowances for the name of Makonda while knowing not he, adding that the offense likithibitika will be required to restore salaries and all allowances he took.