Friday 31 March 2017

Weight stirred, and lean reconciled Gwajima

There is information available under outskirts of the rulers of the people say '' unit '' have decided to work out the issue of Gwajima Shepherd, Clouds Media International and Head of Dar es Salaam, Paul Makonda because it does not provide good political health.

In short, '' unit '' is a word that in English is '' The ruling class / The Establishment ''. These are people who have one of their jobs is to assess the depth of the political, economic and defense in and later provides direction to relevant institutions.

So there's likely we will not hear again Pastor Gwajima he mzodoa Makonda in his sermon in church.

It should be noted that after the general elections in 2015 ended, the people of '' units '' were evaluated to identify which people will be able to achieve the strategic political and economic CCM government in the regions in which it appears is very important politically and economically. Ilipelekewa the most important regional leaders who will achieve optimal strategies and are Dar es Salaam.

For those who think Makonda will be taken soon in Dar es Salaam, I think they will continue to wait much until people '' unit '' when they are satisfied that the work they yomtuma has failed to make or wrong he is doing is so great that gets rid of even the main purpose of his presence as head Regional.

Close with saying, Head of the Institute for people with 'black suit' 'has issued a stern warning to his youth for what happened Clouds Media International and Nape Nnauye because the task given is to protect regional commissioner and is not he the Regional Commissioner to give them work to do outside on their work. It should be noted that having carried out a thorough investigation it was found Makonda defense should actually use improved defense.

Do not be surprised too much for what Nape Nnauye has decided to be silent on the issue of threatened pistol. Described facts of reality that led to the incident occurring.

Delegate the nettles! Naiwakilisha how!