Monday 27 March 2017


Star of films Bongo, Wema Sepetu he mentioned deal with disasters yanayomkumba Head of Dar, Paul Makonda following what he has been doing since he mentioned on the list of those who use drugs.

Makonda since ajiingize in the war against drugs, has faced many challenges ikiwepo raised on the grounds that their certificates have yet to 'kung'ang'aniwa' and the community of journalists after invading in the Clouds Media Studio with the troops weapons.
These disasters allegedly make them bad people smile at her as he mentioned that the goodness of them.


Virtue was named on the list on February 2 this year and asked to report to the Central Police Station 'Sentro' other stars, including where he was found dissatisfaction with the action it claimed to be, his grievance might have contributed Makonda persecution and disasters.


In addition, immediately after Wema mentioned on the list that then soo go to the police and subsequently promoted dock, sister several times when he goes up has to be something called rosary (see photo small Wema front page section rolling away) which is identified as the power to appoint the person away from problems but also for those who are interested in wanting to put to disasters, can return.

Rosary WHAT?
This is a device with a circular vilivyochomekwa things on yarn that Muslims used it to worship. Speaking Friday, ustaadhi one who requested his name lisitajwe newspaper said that, rosary inapoombewa then it became a walking and ritual use, has the potential of avoiding the calamities but also has the potential to make praying for evil, yawarudie.

"You know these things are of faith very, rosary faith has great power if you use it properly, they are the lords who can read me that then be given and you were walking with it, if you iva bad faith can not overtake but the villains are befall the power of God," said ustaadhi him.

WEMA and lean
Despite this explanation, some people on the various networks have been demanding that might tear the goodness of people who are behind it has a chance to these misfortunes Makonda despite strikes that might have happened to the plans of God only.

"Good to be there where he will be happy yanayomkuta Makonda, it is possible to actually use the drug as claimed but goes to the one who has been very close and they wanted discretion should be used in naming.

"Maybe interested Makonda was glad he was asked to help Wema her overcome this problem but the 'approach' used obviously does ikumfurahisha and that is why it is very possible and she was asking for yamfike deputy," claimed Husna Juma, a resident of Sinza, Dar.


In addition, there are some who connect yanayomkuta Makonda now and learning what he had done to his mother's home Wema, Sinza Dar which it identified as the spiritual depth who prayed for strength to provoke saved from evil and who pray for evil, and return.


However, complete accuracy is that you do is ask God literacy goal akujaalie all the best and every evil kukuepushia but you can not apply for special bulk f'lani to pray for evil. For those who think that literacy did Wema K relates directly to the disaster strikes Makonda will be wrong.


Friday made an effort to find goodness to discuss allegations that his grief involved in these strikes Makonda but received his phone and I called out without even being used SMS, did not answer.

However, to show that not fagilii Makonda but is part of the Bishop of the Church of the Resurrection and the Life, Josephat Gwajima, star, who recently joined the Association for Democracy and Development (Chadema) he throws on his Instagram photo of Gwajima then put words yaliyosomeka :

"He was among the men I love now."