Sunday 12 March 2017

After CCM cadres Oust 12 Wake Were They sing Have Faith and Lowassa, Lowassa Aibuka and Inviting was restored ... !!!!

My soul imenisukuma keep pen and writing this from what happened to Dodoma in CCM sessions.
It is approximately 20 months from now, I committed herself from CCM, but I still hear mentioned is mentioned there in their forums.

Wamewatimua members and their leaders, many of whom had spent their opposing demokasia upindishwaji the principles and rules of the association chao.Nataka tell them that when they did so they become heroes of justice and democracy and the principles of good governance in the country.

These were the heroes of the rights, democracy and oppose injustice and procedures within their party to stand up for what they believe nchini.Kwa without breaking the law, they cut the chains of humiliation and uonevu.Mbegu that were planted will grow and bear fruit genuine democracy in our country.

Father of the nation Mwalimu Nyerere once said, that the real opposition will occur CCM, I believe the word is now fulfilled with great speed. I invite Chadema was in general very good as there is life, there is no political chains of slavery. The humiliation is the same as beating frog kick you muongezea speed only.

Come and join us on a journey to bring true democracy and politics maturity, this trip requires unity and solidarity in order to achieve objectives.

There are randomly be ikiyumba CCM, the country could be destabilized but I say what is happening is that, according to CCM inavyoyumba, the citizens are politically mature and improve in the quest for true change.

Tanzanians now can no longer tolerate the oppression of their basic human rights perpetrated by the rulers. Discipline fear no longer has a place in building a country that respects the principles of rights and good governance demokasia.

Edward Lowassa

Chadema Central Committee Member