Sunday 12 March 2017


The saga of the disappearance of the head of the Department of Policy and Research Chadema, Ben Saanane taken another chapter after the United Nations (UN) to say you're ready to send people in for observation.

Saanane, who is also assistant chairman of Chadema, Freeman Mbowe, went missing in mysterious circumstances on November 18 last year and so far unclear been captured or killed, although Chadema has involved his disappearance and reported that Saanane gave on social networks about the complexity of education some leaders.

A few days after the disappearance of Saanane, Attorney General Chadema, Den Lissu asked the government to explain whether the cadre inamshikilia or carry out a thorough investigation of his disappearance.

In tandem with this, Lissu asked the government to monitor messages threats which served Saanane used his mobile phone to someone who has not been identified.

Underscoring his party's position, Lissu urged all relevant authorities and the safety of citizens speak the reality that surrounds uncertainty of his whereabouts, whether he is inside or outside the country, or even if he is dead and buried for misidentification.

While the controversy is in progress, the office of the high commissioner of human rights around the UN with its headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland, has said it is ready to send a team of investigation.

The decision was reached at a meeting with the office otishwa, Africa Region involving the countries of Sudan, Rwanda, Burundi, Kenya, Uganda, Ethiopia, Djibouti and Tanzania.

Speaking to this newspaper yesterday, the director of the Legal and Human Rights Centre (LHRC), Dr Hellen Kijo- Bisimba said the issue arose after members of the conference want to know the details of the saga, but did not have details.

"Members expressed react to the issue of someone lost in a confusing environment and want to tell us in detail what it was. We did not have detailed information so they say they are ready to work with if we send urgent alert, "notice of emergency.

"The information we'll send yes enable them to send investigation team to come here then they will know what to say to the Government."

Dr Bisimba explained that the statement was not written yet due and wait Saanane relatives who are required to provide detailed information.

"We told his relatives to obtain information which may write the urgent alert, but still they came. When they get will write and send it to an inquiry. "

Alipotafutwa about the progress of the investigation of the issue, the Director of Criminal Investigations (DCI), Commissioner Robert Boaz said: "Seek me now I am on the Monday session."