Wednesday 8 March 2017

THIS is HOW GOOD shovel Proves celebrate WOMEN ON THIS THING TO DO

In celebrating the day women around Miss Tanzania 2006 Wema Sepetu has participated in planting trees at water sources and Nukutu Mbogo in the Uluguru Mountains, Morogoro Municipality.

Wema has teamed up with Special Seats MP Morogoro region through CHADEMA, Devotha Minja, councilor of the ward along with the chairmen of the local government, have reached that point with the aim of conserving water sources that have been being destroyed largely in these areas, a situation which threatens living organisms as well as residents who depend on these sources.

Beauty, who is also an artist of the film, said he had decided to support these efforts to preserve water sources of water in order to remove impediments that women have to face them, citing the subject have the benefit of these trees will appear later.

"Today is a day for women around, I felt to join with my fellow women of Morogoro Region today in the planting of trees which will come to be productive for us to reduce the major impediments inayotukabiri water, we all know that a woman's is especially concerned at the availability of water maybe ittusaidia not today or tomorrow but it's going to help our future generations ". Good Amesem Sepetu.

Wema who recently announced to join CHADEMA coming from CCM, said he added that the environment is an ideology nor the parties that touches every person so let everyone planting trees in order to protect water sources.

For his part, MP Devotha Minja, who before becoming an MP has been reporting a lot of information related to the destruction of the environment through his work for the press, said he had decided to act in practice as a leader to set an example for the entire community of Tanzanians especially residents of Morogoro, about the importance of protecting the environment and water sources.