Sunday 12 March 2017

Suffers During Sex? Read Here!

THIS is a condition in which a woman and desire to have sex but gets difficult due to the severe pain he suffers.

This is due to squeezing or stretching the muscles of the vagina but can also be caused by vaginal problems.

Example if there are scratches or any defects or lesions of the vulva, vagina is either limited or feminine nature has no correlation with the penis. This problem occurs in women of all ages is already provided in the reproductive age.
This problem of pain during sexual act is divided into two main areas. The first is the Primary Dyspareunia.
Here the woman had no history of pain and has no history of ever committing this act is, first starts. Technically this state of pain is called Honey moon Dypareunia or pain occurs honeymoon and once he started having sex for the first time. In this case the vaginal muscles can compress due to bruises or torn virginity or even tearing down the side of the vagina and sometimes bruises occur in the eye of mkojo.Hali bruises can be serious and even appeared to touch only the outside of the vagina.
Pain underway or being seriously ill may cause psychological problems so that they began to fear the act itself and feel hurt if he does do. This problem bringing bruises on urinary tract infection causes chronic bladder and bruises from frequent urinary socket.
Vaginal pain is due also to the preparation of bogus before the act where the vagina was not ujalainika by not romance enough, not to act for civilization, that is violent or if the woman will be infected vaginal example fungus that accompanies and discharge vaginal discharge and irritation, infections vagina as swollen glands vagina, swelling of the labia or any case where a woman inayomwondolea peace vagina can provoke psychological suffer for him to feel pain during intercourse.
Bruises or feel hot vagina vagina during the sexual act can be caused by undue use of lubricants or illness due to the presence of deep pores were not subtracted if the vagina and the vagina during intercourse must come and kukuchubua. Defects in virginity also causes a woman to feel pain during intercourse.
This pain is not related to the initial honeymoon and sometimes begins after a long period of years
years since start sex with others tend to this problem are already mothers. The source of this problem is vaginal dryness, older woman with cirrhosis of the vaginal muscles.
These problems except the elderly occurs in middle age and already a woman has a history of being in relationships and even already has children. We are speaking is older than fifty years. Squeezes the vaginal muscles comes from scars after sewn or supplemented through the perineum during childbirth or surgery to fix fi Vistula also causes this problem.
Other sources of this pain of sex is a drop in a generation where women would feel something like marbles vagina while jisa fi sha or sensing generation motivates them during the act, turning to generation, problems in the inner layer of the generation, transmission chronic vaginal where dirt and mechanical vaginal tend to recur, the problems in the urinary tract and genital infections 'pID' causes pain during sex.
's Concerns psychological causes pain during sexual act when the muscles of the vagina sanctified and examined the woman has no problem or any defect vagina. Problems in the nerves of the vagina, fearing the act itself feel you have pain or if there is a history of interference by force and then hurt, no accurate information about sexual intercourse, all this and much more you destroy a woman psychologically and finds he began to feel pain even before the act itself to be afraid.
Another condition that can cause a woman to suffer for psychological and not be ready to act and even though he made it might pain are afraid to get pregnant when she is not prepared for it, fearing infection, forced to love if you are not prepared with a man whom you and feel the difference of nature and man you are with.
If a man stumbling from sweating too much time to act, to the stench of the nose, mouth, makwapani or his genitals, have skin diseases or even his body, these problems can affect a woman's psychological and be unhappy act to withhold cooperation during intercourse and pain.
INVESTIGATIONS This problem is very wide, you can feel you are different whereas defects or infections. Therefore it is good to be examined seriously in medical and mothers in regional hospitals to find out the real source of the problem.