Wednesday 8 March 2017


Camp Staff of Official Opposition in Parliament, Den Lissu, yesterday was arrested and held for several hours and then released on bail while his number remains the police for allegedly making it to the detective.

Special Zone Police Commander of Dar es Salaam, Commissioner Simon Sirro, he vyotafutwa explain the reasons remain the same phone, he answered simply: "Because intelligence I can say."

Director of Protocol, Communications, Publicity and Foreign Chadema, John Mrema, said that the number of Lissu remaining police are adopted sending SMS widespread in various segments of the social networking describing his arrest as in Resident Magistrate's Court Magistrate Dar es Salaam.

"Seized on what he yotamka in Zanzibar at the rally, now I know why stay with her phone, they say it is for the investigation, now the examination of the statements of the rally and the phone do not know vinaingilianaje," he said.

Chadema spokesman, Hope Makene said Lissu was released on police bail set by the law and Nashon Wisdom Mwasipu Nkungu report on the condition of Central Police Station Special Zone of Dar es Salaam, on March 13.

Makene Lissu said that he was arrested and detained on suspicion of giving words of provocation that could raise a conflict of religion in society, while addressing a meeting of election campaigns State Bimani, Zanzibar, Junuari this year.

Yesterday shortly after the arrest, Lissu sent a message in which, among other things said: "For all citizens of Tanzania. Been seized again. Nimekamatiwa Magistrate's court soon after this government prosecutors kunifutia cases arising from arrest me Dodoma parliament last month.

"That case had erased notes that the Government does not intend again to proceed with the case. I did not go out on the court until I was again arrested.

"Why I Central (Central Police Station Dar es Salaam) for the interview. Policemen captors have refused to tell me they took me for what crime. So I do not fault nilofanya until now.

"I think because it has a direct connection with the election of the President of TLS (Law Society of Tanganyika) held next week. This government, using puppets, their attorneys, has had a great strategy to stop me from running for president of TLS.

"They were planning to go to court against my candidacy. Tumewasema publicly and kuzianika their plot. Now they have decided to use their clubs all day: the police force.

"Their fear is so great. I prophesy they want to put me into until after the election next week. I prophesy advocates bring their puppets will move on TLS that does not exist quadrangle candidate during elections to be removed from the race.

"I want lawyers who want a new beginning in the TLS not accept these conspiracy. There is no prohibition in any election rules that prevent the candidate nominated removed from the election because it is the courtyard.

"I appeal must suspend the stance that the election contest can be called the vote by members of TLS. Whether beginning of TLS fulfill its obligations to its members and Tanzanians. Been seized early. No reason to kutokunipeleka this court today.

"If they took me to court nawataarifu that will begin a hunger strike and I will not eat food until I are driven to court." Said part of the message


After the report of the arrest of Lissu, a lawyer independent, Lawrence Masha, wrote in the social networks that the behavior of the police to catch people after acquittal by courts or cancellation of the case and prosecutors has begun to be familiar, it is not the first place.

"I urge ministers of state organs that respect human rights and respect for the law on our twist the law to achieve certain goals without considering the people on the right, as itatupeleka unfriendly country," said Masha.


Yesterday Lissu was released before the Chief Resident Magistrate, Compassion and arrested again as a witness at the scene of the court then sent to Central Police Station.

Akiiwakilisha Republic, Attorney General, Paul Kadushi, told the court that the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) has submitted a document to withdraw the case, so he asked the defendant acquit.

Kadushi presented the document under section 91 (1) of the Law of Criminal Conduct (CPA) show that the DPP does not intend to proceed with the case.

Witness judge acknowledged the defendant and the court set him free.

After leaving the courtroom, Lissu met with soldiers dressed in civilian, and said he is under the protection of the police car came around to go the center.

CASE removed

In the case removed, Lissu owes on January 11, this year Kibun areasju limbs, Zanzibar West, Zanzibar in the election campaign of the State of Dimani, gave a persuasive speech that since 1964 Tanganyika it determines who will be the Zanzibar.Katika the second count, he allegedly at the date and place where he said 'since 1964 Zanzibar occupied militarily and Tanganyika, who knocked ... Since 1995 the roots of choice troops Tanganyika moving Zanzibar to come to ensure their agents of Zanzibar not severed power and citizens are pigwa'.Alidaiwa also WAA said 'citizens are persecuted, are killed because of colonial Tanganyika with Zanzibar ... late Karume began to shock in 71, 72 was killed ... reaches the 15th month of the first frames celebrate 53 years of occupation military and Tanganyika'.Katika charge of three allegedly said 'messages was removed from Dodoma and Ally Hassan Mwinyi was given the presidency of Zanzibar Dodoma and gave it Nyerere and not Zanzibaris ... presidents of Zanzibar are all made in Tanganyika ... have maintained and Tanganyika, in power because of Tanganyika'.Ilidaiwa those words was to encourage people to be satisfied and are willing ovu.Lissu responding prosecutor stated "what I say, but say it really is not criminal in my answer is no. It is true the army since came into Zanzibar in 1964 departed until now, it really Messages was taken Dodoma and Ally Hassan Mwinyi was appointed at the meeting that in 1984.'Hata Commission on Constitutional Reform that was headed by Judge Joseph Warioba said Tanganyika wear a cloak of Tanzania, so say it is not surprising and not done, my answer is no. "