Sunday 12 March 2017

Darassa: values ​​in Kenya for my fans than money

During her song 'Music' if you continue to do well in the charts all radio and TV far away and too street for us to Kenya, where the drum is sung and peers all playbacks on Bodaboda by bus, rapper he has demonstrated that it really does not have anyone who
can hinder provision of a colleague, maybe delay.

This Bright had a special message for all his fans to Kenya. He spoke some time and the advertiser stylish, Stanley Dickson Sunrise radio station (Arusha) in the period Fleva Plus and say all the heart.
He was asked why he went to Kenya blowing across kumuingizia Shows the tablet at this time when many are thirsty to see her to perform those around him replied: Kenya ... I think there are more than my money. So I do not see myself going across even just becomes part of my life, have to live with it I can not stop. But I value that puts money in the world probably has given. I do not want to step across the value of people, I do not want money may remain middle man and man, "said Darassa.
"So money is part of running our daily items. But money can not be worth you, choose the value of money in your presence, I can not be someone who wants to be. So I have the respect that Kenya people tusupport our work and they need us. We need around the world where our music and we have reached the procedure of getting there. "