Saturday 30 July 2016

Photos: LADY Shows It All In Tra'nsparent Outfit

European car insurance policies range in what they offer. Some offer a minimal level of cover while others are comprehensive. It’s important to make sure you’re not tempted to choose the cheapest as this could prove to be a false economy that might leave you vulnerable in the event of a claim. The minimum level of insurance needed to drive on the Continent is a motor insurance certificate or ‘green card.’ But this is very basic and, in some countries, it would provide even less protection than third party car insurance cover does in the UK. However, there are more extensive policies available that will provide the same protection as fully comprehensive car insurance in the UK. This sort of cover would not only afford you protection against a greater range of eventualities but would also give you peace of mind. 

A Reverse Mortgage loan is a financial tool that turns your home equity into cash that canbe used for any purpose. Unlike a traditional home mortgage or equity loan, you do notmake monthly loan payments with a Reverse Mortgage! No repayment is due as long asyou still live in your home as your primary residence, continue to pay required propertytaxes and homeowners insurance and maintain the home in a reasonable condition. With a Reverse Mortgage you can use the proceeds to:

Eliminate monthly mortgage payments (your home does not need to be paid off)
Reduce debt
Fund home repair
Help grandchildren and loved ones
Pay for health care and prescription dr'ugs
Travel or enjoy leisure activities
Supplement your monthly income budget
Provide a cushion for the unexpected